The Canary System
PTR-LUM technology to detect early caries and monitor remineralization therapy
With over 12 years of research and over 60 peer-reviewed publications on The Canary System™, the science supporting the technology behind The Canary System™ is the cornerstone of Quantum Dental Technologies. Ensuring robust and quality-driven data is as important to our users and patients as it is to us. To that end, we have engaged in two investigational studies approved by Health Canada. The purpose of these studies is to ensure that The Canary System™ is safe and effective in detecting early tooth decay. For more information on our studies, see below:

- Abrams SH, Sivagurunathan KS. Detecting cracks in teeth and monitoring structural integrity over time with non-invasive PTR-LUM technology a solution for a major clinical challenge. Journal of Applied Physics 2022;131(16):164501). View Abstract. View Article.
- Nithyalakshmi Elango SR, Gousalya V , Rajmohan M , Bharathwaj Vv , Dinesh Dhamodhar , Prabu D. Effectiveness of Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence in the Detection of Dental Caries: A Systematic Review International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2022;4 (5):6145-63. View Article.
- John Michaelis, Qingzhao Yu, Tom Lallier, Xiaoming Xu, Richard W Ballard*, Paul Armbruster. Quantifying the degree of white spot lesions on enamel caused by different commercial beverages using the Canary Caries Detection System: An in vitro study. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2022;16(1): 29-34. View Abstract. View Article.
- Janja Jan, Wan Zaripah Wan Bakar, Sapna M. Mathews, E. Uzamere, Linda O. Okoye, Bennett T. Amaechi. Clinical Trial of the Canary System for Proximal Caries Detection: A Comparative Study . J. of Biomedical Optics, 26(4), 046004 (2021). View Abstract. View Article.
- Sohrab Roointan, Pantea Tavakolian, Koneswaran S. Sivagurunathan, Andreas Mandelis, Stephen H. Abrams. Detection and monitoring of early dental caries and erosion using three-dimensional enhanced truncated-correlation photothermal coherence tomography imaging. J. of Biomedical Optics, 26(4), 046004 (2021). View Article.
- Dayo AF, Amaechi BT, Noujeim M, et al. Comparison of photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence, intraoral radiography, and cone beam computed tomography for detection of natural caries under restorations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2020;129(5):539-48.View Abstract. View Article.
- Afousi P.I, Premaraj T.S, Premaraj S. Effects of Flash-Free Bonding Technique on Plaque Retention and Development of White Spot Lesions: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Sri Lankan Journal of Orthodontics 2020; Volume 2(1). View Article.
- Abrams SH. The Canary System. In: Graber JJ, editor. Microinvasive Dentistry: Clinical Strategies and Tools: JP Medical Publishers; 2020. p. 45 - 53. View Book Chapter.
- Herman B. The effectiveness of Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Varnish in Preventing White Spot Lesions During Fixed Appliance Orthodontic Therapy: An In Vitro Study [Thesis], University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2019. View Abstract and Thesis.
- S Roointan, P Tavakolian, KS Sivagurunathan, M Floryan, A Mandelis and SH Abrams. 3D Dental Subsurface Imaging Using Enhanced Truncated Correlation-Photothermal Coherence Tomography. Scientific Reports, 2019 - View Article in
- Amaechi B.T. (2019) Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence: The Canary System. In: Ferreira Zandona A., Longbottom C. (eds) Detection and Assessment of Dental Caries. Springer, Cham View Book Chapter Abstract.
- Abrams S. (2019) Integrating Caries Detection Devices into Clinical Practice. In: Ferreira Zandona A., Longbottom C. (eds) Detection and Assessment of Dental Caries. Springer, Cham. View Book Chapter Abstract.
- S Abrams. A Clinical Challenge & Solution: Detecting Cracks in Teeth Using PTR-LUM-The Canary System; A Case Report. CDA OASIS, October 2, 2019 . View Article.
- Xing H, Eckert GJ, Ando M. Detection ability and direction effect of photothermal-radiometry and modulated-luminescence for non-cavitated approximal caries. J Dent. 2019 Nov;90:103221. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2019.103221. View in PubMed.
- Trinh M and Carey C.M. Detection of White Spot Lesions by PTR-LUM Technology. International Association for Dental Research General Session 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada. View Poster.
- Sivagurunathan K, Abrams S. H, Mandelis A and Amaechi B. T. Monitoring Extracted Teeth Treated with Silver Diamine Fluoride using PTR-LUM. Abstract # 2431, International Association for Dental Research General Session 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada. View Poster.
- Abrams T, Abrams S, Sivagurunathan K, Moravan V, Hellen W, Elman G, Amaechi B and Mandelis A. Detection of Caries Around Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer and Compomer Restorations Using Four Different Modalities In Vitro. Dent. J. 2018, 6, 47 View PDF.
- Stephen H. Abrams, Koneswaran S. Sivagurunathan, Josh D. Silvertown, Bonny Wong, Adam Hellen, Andreas Mandelis, Warren M.P. Hellen, Gary I. Elman, S.M. Mathew, Poornima K. Mensinkai, Bennett T. Amaechi. Correlation with Caries Lesion Depth of The Canary System, DIAGNOdent and ICDAS II. Open Dentistry Journal 2017 11: 679-689 View PDF.
- Silvertown J. D., Abrams, S. H., Sivagurunathan, K. S., Kennedy, J., Jeon, J., Mandelis, A., Hellen, A., Hellen, W., Elman, G., Ehrlich, R., Chouljian, R., Finer, Y., Amaechi, B. T. Multi-Centre Clinical Evaluation of Photothermal Radiometry and Luminescence Correlated with International Benchmarks for Caries Detection. Open Dentistry Journal 2017 11: 636-647 View PDF.
- Abrams TE, Abrams, S. H., Sivagurunathan, K., Silvertown, J. D., Hellen,W.M. P., Elman, G. I., Amaechi, B. T. In Vitro Detection of Caries Around Amalgam Restorations Using Four Different Modalities. The Open Dentistry Journal 2017;11:609-20 View PDF.
- Dorfman JM. Cement composition effects on enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets: An in vitro study using the canary system [Dissertation/Thesis]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1951782587): Temple University 2017. View Abstract.
- J. Dorfman, S. Jefferies, D. Boston, J. Godel. Cement Composition Effects on Enamel Demineralization Adjacent to Orthodontic Brackets. International Association for Dental Research, San Francisco, March 2017. View Poster. View Abstract.
- Payam Ishani Afousi. Effects of Flash-Free Technique on Plaque Retention, White Spot Lesions, and Bracket Failure: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2016). [Theses & Dissertations], University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2016. View Abstract and Thesis.
- Silvertown JD, Wong BP, Abrams SH, Sivagurunathan KS, Kirkham J, Amaechi BT. Remineralization of natural early caries lesions in vitro by P11-4 monitored with photothermal radiometry and luminescence. J Investig Clin Dent. 2017 Jan 4. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12257.View in PubMed.
- Silvertown JD, Wong BP, Abrams SH, Sivagurunathan KS, Mathews SM, Amaechi BT. Comparison of The Canary System and DIAGNOdent for the in vitro detection of caries under opaque dental sealants. J Investig Clin Dent. 2016 Sep 26. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12239.View in PubMed.
- Abrams TE, Silvertown JD, Sivagurunathan K, Hellen WMP, Elman GI, Abrams SH, and Amaechi BT. Detection of caries around amalgam restorations using four different modalities. ORCA, Athens, Greece. July 2016.View Poster.
- Tellez M, Frantz A, Silvertown JD, Sivagurunathan KS, Abrams SH, Ismail AI. Examination of caries severity using The Canary System and public health characteristics. American Association of Dental Research. Los Angeles, March 2016. View Poster.
- Piers C, Carey C. Detection of Surface Erosion: A Novel Application for PTR:LUM Technology. American Association of Dental Research. Los Angeles, March 2016. View Poster.
- Wong B, Abrams S, Silvertown J, Sivagurunathan K, Amaechi BT, Hohnk HD. Using the Canary System to evaluate the resistance of resin infiltration to demineralization. Abstract 139, 62nd ORCA Congress, July 1-4, 2015, Brussels, Belgium. View Poster.
- Jan J, Wan Bakar WZ, Mathews SM, Okoye LO, Ehler BR, Louden C, Amaechi BT. Proximal caries lesion detection using the Canary Caries Detection System: an in vitro study. J Investig Clin Dent. 2016 Nov;7(4):383-390. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12163. Epub 2015 May 27.View in PubMed
- Uzamere EO, Jan J, Bakar WW, Mathews SM, Amaechi B. Clinical trial of the Canary System for proximal caries detection. International Association for Dental Research General Session 2015, Boston, MA. View Abstract.
- Silvertown JD, Sivagurunathan K, Wainberg M, Wong B, Abrams SH, Amaechi BT. Using The Canary System for Analysis of Epidemiologic Data. International Association for Dental Research General Session 2015, Boston, MA. View Poster.
- Wong B, Sivagurunathan K, Silvertown JD, Hellen WM, Elman G, Okoye LO, Abrams SH, Amaechi BT. A comparison of methods for the detection of smooth caries. International Association for Dental Research General Session 2015, Boston, MA. View Presentation.
- Wong B, Abrams T, Sivagurunathan K, Silvertown JD, Okoye LO, Abrams SH, Amaechi BT. Evaluation of inter- and intra-examiner reproducibility of The Canary System. International Association for Dental Research General Session 2015, Boston, MA. View Poster.
- Pier S, Lee H, Carey CM. Detection of surface erosion: a novel application for PTR-LUM technology. Rocky Mountain Dental Conference 2015. View Poster.
- Abrams, S. Detecting and monitoring caries with The Canary System. April 2014. (Translated into Portuguese; Textbook). View Chapter.
- Carey CM and Coleman SS. PLM validation of WSL assessment by photothermal radiometry-modulated luminescence technology. J Dent Res 93 (Spec Iss A): 2014. View Poster.
- Jan J, Wan Bakar WZ, Mathews SM, Ehler BR, Louden C, and Amaechi BT. In vitro study of the Canary System for proximal caries detection. Abstract # 102 Caries Res 2014. View Poster.
- El Zayat IMG, Lomeli V, El Banna M, Amaechi BT. Factors influencing the use of the Canary System to detect early caries lesions. Abstract # 69. Caries Res 2014. View Poster.
- Wong, B., Silvertown, J., Abrams, S. H., Sivagurunathan K., Lysek, D. A., Amaechi, B. T., “In Vitro Detection of Remineralisation of Early Caries Using Curodont® Repair with The Canary System™” Abstract # 54 Caries Res 2014;48:384–450.
- Wong B, Silvertown JD, Abrams SH, Sivagurunathan K, Amaechi BT. Detection of remineralization of early caries with The Canary System. J Dent Res 93(Spec Iss A):2014. View PDF.
- Wong B, Abrams SH, Tasevski C, Sivagurunathan K, Silvertown JD, Hellen WH, Elman G, Amaechi BT. “Detection of interproximal caries in vitro using The Canary System. ” J Dent Res 93(Spec Iss A):2014. View PDF.
- Carey CM, Coleman SS (2013): Anatomy of Secondary Caries: The Early Stages, Dent Mat, 29 (Suppl 1): e36. View PDF
- Wong B, Abrams SH, Sivagurunathan K, Silvertown JD, Hellen A, Mandelis A, Hellen WMP, Elman GI, Amaechi BT. Correlation with caries lesion depth of The Canary System, DIAGNOdent and ICDAS II. (2013). 60th Annual ORCA Congress Abstract; Liverpool UK. View PDF.
- Wong B, Abrams SH, , Silvertown JD, Sivagurunathan K, Klausz R, Mandelis A, Amaechi BT. Detection of caries around ceramic crown restorations with The Canary System and DIAGNOdent. 60th Annual ORCA Congress Abstract; Liverpool UK. (2013). 60th Annual ORCA Congress Abstract; Liverpool UK. View Poster. View Abstract.
- Wong B, Abrams S, Abrams T, Sivagurunathan K, Jeon RJ, Silvertown JD, Hellen A, Mandelis A, Hellen WM, Elman G, Amaechi BT, Mensinkai PK, Mathews SM. (2013). Accuracy of The Canary System with opaque dental sealants. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) 91st General Session, Seattle, WA. View PDF.
- Silvertown JD, Sivagurunathan K, Hellen A, Kennedy J, Hellen WM, Elman GI, Chouljian R, Ehrlich R, Amaechi BT, Finer Y, Abrams SH. (2013). Clinical Detection and Monitoring of Caries Using The Canary System. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) 91st General Session, Seattle, WA. View PDF.
- Sivagurunathan K, Hellen A, Silvertown JD, Wong B, Jeon RJ, Amaechi BT, Abrams SH. (2013). Detection, Monitoring and Imaging Dental Erosion with The Canary Lab. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) 91st General Session, Seattle, WA. View PDF.
- J. Kim, A. Mandelis, A. Matvienko, S. Abrams, and BT Amaechi. Detection of dental secondary caries using frequency-domain infrared photothermal radiomtetry (PTR) and modulated luminescence (LUM). 2012. Int. J Thermophys,33:1778-1786. View PDF
- Matvienko A, Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Amaechi, B. T., "Study of Dental Erosion using the PTR-LUM Technique" XVI International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (ICPPP16), November 2011
View PDF - J. Kim, A. Mandelis, A. Matvienko, S. Abrams, B.T. Amaechi "Detection of Dental Secondary Caries Using Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry (PTR) and Modulated Luminescence" (LUM) XVI International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (ICPPP16), November 2011
View PDF - Garcia, J., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S.H., Matvienko, A., "Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence: Application to Dental Caries Detection", Chapter 71 page 1047, published in "Handbook of Biophotonics, Vol. 2: Photonics for Health Care" editors: Jürgen Popp (Editor), Valery V. Tuchin (Editor), Arthur Chiou (Editor), Stefan H. Heinemann (Editor) December 2011, Wiley-VCH
View PDF - Hellen A., Mandelis A., Finer Y., and Amaechi B.T. Quantitative remineralization evolution of artificially demineralized human enamel using photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence Journal of Biophotonics Volume 4, Issue 11-12, November 2011, Pages: 788-804
View PDF - S. Abrams, K. Sivagurunathan, R.J. Jeon, A. Mandelis, J.D. Silvertown, A. Hellen, W. M. P. Hellen, G. I. Elman, B. R. Ehrlich, R. Chouljian, Y. Finer and B.T. Amaechi, "Multi-Center Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of ‘The Canary System’ (PTR-LUM Technology)". Caries Res. 2011; 45:174-242[58th Annual ORCA Congress July 6-9, 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania].
View PDF - Photothermal imaging moves forward in clinical trials by Kathy Kincad., March 4, 2011.
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Hellen A., Mandelis A., Finer Y., and Amaechi B.T. Quantitative evaluation of simulated human enamel caries kinetics using Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence. Journal of Biomedical Optics (July 2011), 16
(7), pg. 071406
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Hellen A., Matvienko, A., Mandelis A., Finer Y., and Amaechi B.T. Optothermophysical properties of demineralized human dental enamel determined using photothermally generated diffuse photon density and thermal-wave fields. Appl Opt 49(36), 6938-6951 (2010).
View PDF - K. Sivagurunathan, S.H. Abrams, J. Garcia, A. Mandelis, B.T. Amaechi, Y. Finer, W.M.P. Hellen and G. Elman. Using PTR-LUM (‘The Canary System’) for in vivo Detection of Dental Caries: Clinical Trial Results. Caries Res 2010; 44: 171-247 [57th Annual ORCA Congress July 7-10, 2010, Montpellier, France]. View PDF
(Invited) Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Jeon R. J., Abrams S. H., Theoretical analysis of coupled diffuse-photon-density and thermal-wave field depth profiles photothermally generated in layered turbid dental structures, Special Issue on Applied Biophysics; J. Appl. Phys. 105, 102022 (2009). Paper selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (, 17 (11), June 1, 2009. Section: Mulitcellular Phenomena.
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Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S. H., Robust multi-parameter evaluation method of optical and thermal properties of a layered tissue structure using photothermal radiometry, Appl. Opt. 48 (17), 3193 - 3204 (June 2009). Paper selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBO) (, 4 (8), July 30, 2009. Section: Dentistry.
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Matvienko, A. Mandelis, A., Hellen, A., Jeon, R. J., Abrams S. H., Amaechi, B., Quantitative Analysis of Incipient Mineral Loss in Hard Tissues, (SPIE BiOS, San Jose, USA, January 2009), Proc. SPIE BiOS Vol. 7166 (12), 71660C1 - 12 (April 2009).
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Jeon R. J., Hellen A., Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S. H., Amaechi B. T., In vitro Detection and Quantification of Enamel and Root Caries Using Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence, Journal of Biomedical Optics 13(3), 034025, 2008.
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Mandelis A., Matvienko A., Abrams S. H., Theoretical Analysis of Dental Demineralization using Photothermal Radiometry, (SPIE BiOS, San Jose, USA, January 2008), Proc. SPIE Vol. 6856, (2008), 68560W.
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Jeon R. J., Hellen A., Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S. H., Amaechi B. T., Experimental Investigation of Demineralization and Remineralization of Human Teeth Using Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence, (SPIE BiOS, San Jose, USA, January 2008), Proc. SPIE Vol. 6856, (2008), 68560B.
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Jeon, R. J., Matvienko, A., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Amaechi, B. T., Kulkarni, G., Interproximal Dental Caries Detection using Photothermal Radiometry (PTR) and Modulated Luminescence (LUM), European Physical Journal, Special Topics, 2008, 153; 467 - 469
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Matvienko, A., Jeon, J., Mandelis, A., Arvizu, G., Gomez, A. E., Abrams, S. H., Dental Biothermophtonics: A Quantitative Photothermal Analysis of Early Dental Demineralization, (Proc. 14th Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 2007), European Physical Journal, Special Topics, 2008, 153; 463 - 465
View PDF - (Keynote Paper) A. Mandelis, R. J. Jeon, S. Telenkov, Y. Fan and A. Matvienko, “Trends in Biothermophotonics and Bioacoustophotonics of Tissues”, 30 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2005, Warsaw, Poland. Proc. SPIE Conf. on Optics and Optoelectronics, Vol. 5953 Acousto-optics and Photoacoustics (A. Sliwinski, R. Reibold and V. B. Voloshinov, Eds., Bellingham, WA, 2005), pp. 1 - 15 (SPIE Proceedings are Editor refereed).
Mandelis, A., Jeon, R., Matvienko, A., Abrams, S. H., Amaechi, B., Dental Biothermophotonics: How Photothermal Methods are Winning the Race with X-Rays for Dental Caries Diagnostic Needs of Clinical Dentistry, (Proc. 14th Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 2007), European Physical Journal, Special Topics, 2008, 153; 449 - 454
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Jeon R.J., Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S.H., Amaechi B.T, Kulkarni G., Detection of interproximal demineralized lesions on human teeth in vitro using frequency-domain infrared photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence, J. Bio. Optics, 12(3) 034028, 2007(selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, July 1, 2007).
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Matvienko A., Jeon R. J., Mandelis A., Abrams S. H., Amaechi B. T., Photothermal Detection of Incipient Dental Caries: Experiment and Modeling, (SPIE Optics East, Boston, USA, September 2007), Proc. SPIE Vol. 6759, 67590J, 2007.
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Abrams, S., Scarlett, M., and Trost, L., Focus on Dental Caries Management Beyond Extension for Prevention to Minimal Intervention, Oral Health Magazine, March 2006, pp. 69-76.
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Jeon, R. J., Han, C., Mandelis, A., Sanchez, V., Abrams, S. H., Dental Depth Profilometric Diagnosis of Pit & Fissure Caries using Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Laser Luminescence, Early Detection of Caries III Proceedings of the Sixth Indiana Conference Indiana University School of Dentistry, pages 49 - 67, Stookey, G., editor, 2003
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Jeon R. J., Phan T. D. T., Wu A., Kulkarni G., Abrams S. H., and Mandelis A., Photothermal radiometric quantitative detection of the different degrees of demineralization of dental enamel by acid etching, J. Physique IV France, 2005 125, 721 - 723.
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Jeon, RJ., Mandelis, Sanchez, V., and Abrams, SH., Dental depth profilometric diagnosis of pit & fissure caries using frequency-domain infrared photothermal radiometry and modulated laser luminescence, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena, July 5 - 8, 2004, J. Physique IV France, 2005: 125: 741 - 744
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Jeon, R. J., Han, C., Mandelis, A., Sanchez, V., Abrams, S. H., Diagnosis of Pit & Fissure Caries using Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Laser Luminescence, Caries Research 2004 Volume 38, pages 497- 513
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R. Jeon, A. Mandelis and S. Abrams, Dental depth profilometric diagnosis of pit and fissure caries using frequency-domain infrared photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence, SPIE Vol. 5320, Photons plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing (A. A. Oraevsky and L. V. Wang, Eds., Bellingham WA 2004, pp. 29 39
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Jeon, R. J., Han, C., Mandelis, A., Sanchez, V., Abrams, S. H., Non-intrusive, Non-contacting Frequency-Domain Photothermal Radiometry and Luminescence Depth Profilometry of Carious and Artificial Sub-surface Lesions in Human Teeth, Journal of Biomedical Optics 2004, July - August ,9, # 4, 804 - 819.
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Jeon, R. J., Mandelis, A., Sanchez, V., Abrams, S. H., Dental Depth Profilometric Diagnosis of Pit & Fissure Caries using Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Laser Luminescence, SPIE Meeting BIOS 2004, January Poster Proceedings.
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Trost, L., Scarlett, M., and Abrams, S., Focus on Dental Caries Management - Part 2 of 3, Woman Dentist Journal, January 2004, pp. 24-33
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Trost, L., Scarlett, M., and Abrams, S., Focus on Dental Caries Management - Part 1 of 3, Woman Dentist Journal, November/December 2003.
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Jeon, R. J., Han, C., Mandelis, A., Sanchez, V., Abrams, S. H., Dental Depth Profilometric Diagnosis of Pit & Fissure Caries using Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Laser Luminescence, Proceedings of the Third Indiana University Conference on Early Caries Detection, 2003, 49-67.
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Nicolaides, L., Feng, C., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Quantitative Dental Measurements by use of simultaneous Frequency - Domain Laser Infrared Radiometry and Luminescence, Applied Optics, 2002, February, Volume 41, (4), pages 768 -777
View PDF - Nicolaides, L., Feng, C., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Dental Dynamic Diagnostics using Simultaneous Frequency-domain PTR and Laser Luminescence, Anal Sci. (J. Japan Soc. Anal. Chem.), 2001, Volume 17, (Special Issue), s330 - s333
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Nicolaides, L., Garcia, J., Mandelis A., Abrams, S.H, Dental Depth Profilometry using simultaneous Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Laser Luminescence for the Diagnosis of Dental Caries, accepted for publication in Biomedical Optoacoustics, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4249 (2001), pages 79-86(A. A. Oraevsky, Ed., SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2001) (SPIE Proceedings are Editor refereed).
View PDF - Nicolaides, L, Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Novel Dental Dynamic Depth Profilometric Imaging using Simultaneous Frequency Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Laser Luminescence, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2000, January, Volume 5, # 1, pages 31 - 39.
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Mandelis, A., Nicolaides, L., Feng, C., Abrams, S H., Novel dental depth profilometric imaging using simultaneous frequency-domain infrared photothermal radiometry and laser luminescence, in Biomedical Optoacoustics, (Oraevsky, A, editor), Proc. SPIE 2000, Volume, 3916, pages 130- 137
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Conference Lectures and Presentations
Over the last 12 years, our group has made and been invited to speak at 45+ conferences world wide on early caries detection and also the science behind our device.
- T. E. Abrams, S. H. Abrams , K. Sivagurunathan, V. Moravan, W. M. P. Hellen, G. I. Elman,B. T. Amaechi. Detection of caries around Glass Ionomer and Compomer restorations using Four Different Modalities. International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Abstract # 0099 [London, England] June 2018. View Abstract
- S. Abrams, J. Silvertown, B. Wong, K.S. Sivagurunathan, R.J. Jeon, A. Mandelis, W.M. Hellen, G. Elman, B.T.Amaechi, and A. Hellen. Detection of Caries around Restorations with The Canary System. International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Abstract # 1824 [Iguacu Falls, Brazil] June 2012. View Poster
- S. Abrams, B. Wong, K.S. Sivagurunathan, R.J. Jeon, J. Silvertown, A. Hellen, A. Mandelis, W.M. Hellen, G. Elman, K. Ramalingam, R.A. Ccahuana-Vasquez, and B.T. Amaechi. Effect of placing an opaque sealant on Canary Number readings. International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Abstract # 17 [Iguacu Falls, Brazil] June 2012. View Presentation
- B. Wong, S. H. Abrams, K. Sivagurunathan, R. J. Jeon, J. D. Silvertown, A. Hellen, A. Mandelis, W. M. P. Hellen, G. I. Elman, K. Ramalingam, R.A. Ccahuana-Vasquez, B. T. Amaechi. In vitro detection of caries beneath dental sealant with The Canary System. European Organization for Caries Research (ORCA), Brazil, June 2012. View Poster
- A. Matvienko, B. T. Amaechi, K. Ramalingam, M. Macaden, V. Ye, A. Hellen, R.J. Jeon, K. Sivagurunathan, A. Mandelis and S. H. Abrams, "PTR-LUM-based detection of demineralization and remineralization of human teeth". International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Abstract # 114 [San Diego, CA, USA] March 2011.
View PDF - S. H. Abrams, K. Sivagurunathan, R.J. Jeon, J.D. Silvertown, A. Hellen, A. Mandelis, W. M. P. Hellen, G. I. Elman, B.T. Amaechi and Y. Finer, "Multi-center study evaluating safety and effectiveness of "The Canary System". International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Abstract # 2920 [San Diego, CA, USA] March 2011.
View Presentation - S. H. Abrams, A. Matvienko, V. Ye, A. Mandelis, K. Ramalingam and B. T. Amaechi. "Detection and monitoring of dental erosion using PTR-LUM". International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Abstract # 238 [San Diego, CA, USA] March 2011.
View PDF - A. Hellen, A. Mandelis and Y. Finer, “Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence Examination of Demineralized and Remineralized Lesions”, J Phys: Conf Ser2010; 214(1): 012024 [15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Leuven, Belgium, July 2009]. [Proceedings fully peer reviewed].
View PDF - Jeon, R. J., Sivagurunathan, K., Garcia, J., Matvienko, A., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S., “Dental diagnostic clinical instrument (“Canary”) development using photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 214, 2010, 012023.
View PDF - A. Hellen, A. Mandelis, B.T. Amaechi and Y. Finer, “Quantitative evaluation of demineralization and remineralization of simulated dental enamel caries using photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence”, 18th Int. Conf. on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT ‘10), September 2010, Amsterdam, Holland.
- A. Hellen, A. Mandelis, Y. Finer and B.T. Amaechi, “Real-time monitoring of dental lesions using transmission-mode photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence”, 10th Annual Quantitative Infrared Thermography Conference (QIRT-10), Laval, QC, Canada, July 2010.
View PDF - A. Matvienko, A., Mandelis, A. Hellen, R. Jeon, S.H. Abrams, B. T. Amaechi, ”Quantitative Analysis of Dental Tissue Properties Using Photothermal Radiometry”, 10th Annual Quantitative Infrared Thermography Conference (QIRT-10), Laval, QC, Canada, July 2010
- Sivagurunathan, K., Abrams, S.A., Jeon, R., Garcia, J., Mandelis, A., Amaechi, B.T., and Finer, Y., PTR-LUM ("The Canary System™") Clinical Trial Results for Caries Detection, Presentation at IADR, July 2010.
View PDF - A. Hellen, A. Mandelis, Y. Finer and B.T. Amaechi, “Real-time monitoring of dental lesions using transmission-mode photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence”, 10th Annual Quantitative Infrared Thermography Conference (QIRT-10); Session 1: Biomedical Applications, abstract #053, Laval, QC, Canada, July 27-30th, 2010.
- Hellen, A. Mandelis, Y. Finer and B.T. Amaechi. "Quantitative Examination of Demineralized and Remineralized Dental Lesions Using Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence", Session R1-7-5: Lasers and Ultrasound. Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 2010.
Sivagurunathan, K., Abrams, S.H., Garcia, J., Mandelis, A., Amaechi, B.T., Finer, Y., Using PTR-LUM ("The Canary System™") for in-vivo detection of dental caries: clinical trial results, Abstract at ORCA, July 2010.
View PDF - Hellen, A., Mandelis, A., Finer Y., Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence Examination of Demineralized and Remineralized Lesions, Proc. 15 Int. Conf. Photoacoustic Photothermal Phenomena (15-ICPPP), July 19 - 23 2009, Leuven, Belgium, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2010), Issue 214:012024
- Jeon R. J., Sivagurunathan K., Garcia J., Matvienko A., Mandelis, A., Abrams S., Dental Diagnostic Clinical Instrument ("Canary") Development Using Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence, Proc. 15 Int. Conf. Photoacoustic Photothermal Phenomena (15-ICPPP), July 19 - 23 2009, Leuven, Belgium, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
View PDF - (Invited) Hellen, A., Mandelis, A., Finer, Y., Amaechi, B., Quantitative examination of demineralized and remineralized dental lesions using photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence, SPIE BiOS Proc. SPIE 7548, 75484G (2010).
Matvienko, A., Hellen, A., Jeon, R. J., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S.H., Amaechi, B.T., Photothermal Evaluation of Demineralization Kinetics of Human Enamel, Abstract # 26: ORCA Congress, July 2009.
View PDF - Hellen, A., Jeon, R., Matvienko, A., Mandelis, A., Abrams S.H., Amaechi, B.T., Erosion Lesion Detection using Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence, Abstract # 70, Oral session #17: Conventional and Alternate Imaging Modalities in Dentistry, IADR, 2009.
- Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S.H., Biothermophotonic evaluation of multilayered tissue structures. APS March meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, March 2009.
- Matvienko, A., Mandelis, A., Jeon, R., Abrams, S. H., Amaechi, B. T., “Quantitative Analysis of Incipient Mineral Loss”, Abstract, # 527, IADR, 2008.
- Jeon, R., Hellen, A., Matvienko, A., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H. “Thermophotonic Detection of Demineralized Root and Enamel Lesions”, Abstract, # 528, IADR, 2008.
- Hellen, A., Jeon, R., Abrams, S. H., Mandelis, A., Amaechi, B. T., “Photothermal and Modulated Luminescence Detection of Demineralized Tooth Restoration Interfaces”, Abstract # 529, IADR , 2008.
- (Invited) A. Mandelis, “Dental thermophotonics”, 10th Spring School in Acousto-optics and Photoacoustics, Gdansk, Poland, May 12-15, 2008.
- Mandelis, A., Jeon, R., Hellen, A., Matvienko, A., Abrams S., Amaechi, B., Investigation of Demineralization and Remineralization of Human Teeth Using Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence, Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress, June 8 - 11, 2008; Paper TU-A5-1
- Jeon R.J., Hellen A., Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S.H., Amaechi B.T., Detection of Demineralized-Remineralized Lesions on Root and Enamel of Human Teeth in vitro Using Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Luminescence, 54th Annual ORCA Congress, Helsingör, Denmark, July 4-7, 2007.
- Matvienko A., Jeon R.J., Mandelis A., Abrams S.H., Amaechi B.T., Monitoring of early enamel demineralization on human teeth using photothermal radiometry: experiment and theory, 54th Annual ORCA Congress, Helsingör, Denmark, July 4-7, 2007.
- Matvienko A., Jeon R., Garcia J., Mandelis A., Abrams S., Dental Demineralization Detection: Experiment and Theory, OCE Discovery 2007:TO NEXT, Toronto, Canada, May 1, 2007.
- Matvienko A., Jeon R.J., Mandelis A., Abrams S.H., Dental Photothermal Radiometry: Theoretical Analysis, APS meeting, Denver, CO, March 5-9, 2007.
- Matvienko A., Jeon R.J., Mandelis A., Arvizu G., Esteban Gomez A., Abrams S.H., Amaechi B.T., Dental Biothermophotonics: A quantitative photothermal analysis of early dental demineralization, 14th Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 6-9, 2007.
- Matvienko, A., Jeon, R. J. Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Kulkarni, G. V., Detection of Incipient Caries with Dental Photothermal Radiometry: Experiments and Theoretical Modeling, ORCA Abstract # 131, Caries Research 2006, 40:348
View PDF - Jeon, R. J. Matvienko, A., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Amaechi, B. T., Kulkarni, G. V., Interproximal Caries Detection Using Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry, ORCA Abstract # 132, Caries Research 2006, 40:348
View PDF - Jeon R.J., Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S.H., Amaechi B.T., Kulkarni G., Interproximal Dental Caries Detection using Photothermal Radiometry (PTR) and Modulated Luminescence (LUM), 14th Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 6-9, 2007.
- Matvienko A., Jeon R.J., Mandelis A., Abrams S.H., Kulkarni G., Characterization of dental demineralization using a biothermophotonic technique, 16th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, USA, July 2006. Highlighted in Radiative Properties and Radiometric Techniques for Property Measurements by Z. Zhang, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Illinois, USA, November 2006.
- Jeon R., Matvienko A., Mandelis A., Abrams S., Amaechi B., Kulkarni G., Interproximal caries detection using frequency-domain infrared photothermal radiometry, 53rd Annual ORCA Congress, Glasgow, UK, July 2006.
- Matvienko A., Jeon R., Mandelis A., Abrams S., Kulkarni G., Detection of enamel demineralization with dental photothermal radiometry: experiments and theoretical modeling, 53rd Annual ORCA Congress, Glasgow, UK, July 2006.
- Matvienko A., Jeon R., Mandelis A., Abrams S., Biothermophotonic method for the diagnosis of incipient dental caries, Discovery 2006 Conference - Ontario Centres of Excellence, Toronto, Canada, February 2006. Top award (student poster competition).
- Phan, T. D. T., Mandelis, A., Abrams, S. H., Jeon, R. J., el-Mowafy, A., Kulkarni, G. V., Laser Photothermal Radiometry for the Detection of Early Enamel Demineralization, Abstract # 0697, IADR, 2005
View PDF - Matvienko A., Jeon R., Mandelis A., Abrams S., Kulkarni G., Detection of artificial surface and subsurface dental caries mineral loss using laser photothermal radiometry, 52nd Annual ORCA Congress, Indianapolis, USA, July 2005.
- Jeon, R. J., Mandelis, A., Sanchez, V., Abrams, S. H., Dental Depth Profilometric Diagnosis of Pit & Fissure Caries using Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Laser Luminescence, SPIE Meeting BIOS 2004, January Poster Proceedings.
- Mandelis, A., Dental Depth Profilometric Diagnosis of Pit and Fissure Caries unisng Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Laser Luminescence, Academic Center for Dental Sciences, Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; April 20, 2004.
- Mandlelis, A., Biomedical photothermal and photothermoacoustic diagnostics for cancer imaging and dental caries prevention, Dept. of Physics, Festkoerperspektroskopie III, Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany; January 23, 2004.
- Mandelis, A., Advances in Photothermal Radiometry and Luminescence Diagnostics of Natural Carious and Artificial Sub-surface Lesions in Human Teeth, Gordon Research Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, June 8-13 (2003).
- Abrams, S., Frequency Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Modulated Laser Luminescence, The Indiana Conference, School of Dentistry, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis, May 21 - 23 (2003).
- Mandelis, A., Progress in Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Investigations in Turbid Tissue Phantoms and Human Teeth using Laser Infrared Photothermal Radiometry, ThermoSense XXIV, Orlando, FL, 1-5 April 2002 (paper 4710-42).
- Mandelis, A. Nicolaides, L. Feng, C., Abrams S.H., Novel Dental Depth Profilometric Imaging using Simultaneous Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Laser Luminescence, Proc. SPIE BiOS 2000 Conference, San Jose, CA, January 2000 (A. A. Oraevsky, Ed.) Vol. 3916 (2000), pp. 130-137. (SPIE Proceedings are Editor refereed).
- Nicolaides, L., Garcia, J., Mandelis A., Abrams, S. H., Dental Depth Profilometry using Simultaneous Frequency-Domain Infrared Photothermal Radiometry and Laser Luminescence for the Diagnostics of Dental Caries, Proc. SPIE BiOS 2001 Conference, San Jose, CA, January 2001, (P. Rechmann, D. Fried and T. Hennig, Eds.) Vol. 4249 (2001) pp. 79-86. (SPIE Proceedings are Editor refereed).
- Mandelis, A., Abrams, S, Nicolaides, L., Garcia, J. A., Method and Apparatus for Detection of Defects in Teeth, Canadian Patent # 2,314,691 accepted July 28, 2000, US Patent # 6,584,341 accepted June 24, 2003.
- Mandelis, A, Abrams, S, Method of Assessing Oral Health Risk, US Patent # 12/718,746 March 05, 2009.View PDF.
- Mandelis, A, Abrams, S, Jeon, J-S., Kulkarni, K., Mativenko, A., Method and Apparatus Using Infrared Photothermal Radiometry (PTR) and Modulated Laser Luminescence (LUM) for Diagnostics of Defects in Teeth, US 11/488,194, PCT/CA2006/001171.
- J. Jeon, A. Mandelis, S. Abrams, A. Matvienko, K. Sivagurunathan, J. Silvertown, A. Hellen. Handpiece with Integrated Optical System for Photothermal Radiometry and Luminescence Measurements (PCT/CA2011/050303/EU2569607).View PDF.
- S. Abrams, K. Sivagurunathan, J. Silvertown, J. Jeon, A. Mandelis, Method of Processing and Displaying Oral Health Diagnostic Data (PCT/CA2011/050302).
- J. Jeon, K. Sivagurunathan, S. Abrams, A. Mandelis, J. Silvertown, B. Wong, A. Hellen. Apparatus for in-vitro imaging and analysis of dental samples (PCT/CA2013/050200).
- Mandelis A, Tabatabaei N, Abrams A. Systems and methods for thermophotonic dynamic imaging.(PCT/CA2012/050035).
- S. Abrams, J. Silvertown, M. Wainberg, K. Sivagurunathan , System and Method of Monitoring Consumable Use Based on Correlations with Diagnostic Testing.View PDF.
- S. Abrams, J. Silvertown, K. Sivagurunathan , Systems and Methods for Spatial Positioning of Diagnostic or Treatment Probe Based on Surface Profile Detection.View PDF.
- S. Abrams, K. Sivagurunathan , DEVICES AND METHODS FOR THE INTRA-OPERATIVE VERIFICATION OF ORAL HEALTH PROCEDURES, US Provisional Patent No. 62/784,173, December 2018.View PDF.